Tag Archives: single payer

Healthcare IS a right

I make no apologies whatsoever for the title. I neither understand why basic healthcare needs be ‘affordable’ nor why we need a competitive marketplace for insurance companies. The entire debate over the ACA (Obamacare) and the AHCA (Trumpcare) is, to me, pretty outrageous. Any plan that is not some version of a single payer (whether […]

Dad Gone Wild

Nobody reads it, everybody quotes it.

Lloyd's Anything Blog

An indie authors website and blog

Teachers' Letters to Bill Gates

Educators from the US and beyond: please share your teaching stories with Mr. Bill Gates. How have the policies of the Gates Foundation influenced your classroom, your students, your teaching, your schools, and your communities?

Crazy Normal - the Classroom Exposé

An insider's look at education, teaching, parenting and coming of age.

David R. Taylor

Speaking My MInd

Cloaking Inequity

A website focused on education and social justice research

The Mafia of Good Intentions

Addressing the Root Causes of America's Underperforming Pubic Schools

The Mind of Hammy

Thoughts and opinions on just about anything

WordPress.com News

The latest news on WordPress.com and the WordPress community.